Tuesday, Jul 16, 2019

July 16, 2019

July 2019

Panel 1
Greg: You’re telling me you want to travel BILLIONS of light years? How long would that take with a warp drive?
Tony: Oh, several thousand years, at least. That’s why we’ll be using wormholes.
Greg: Can you seriously generate a wormhole to the edge of the universe!?

Panel 2
Tony: DEAR GOD no. Wormhole generation follows the inverse square law - a short distance wormhole of about a hundred light years needs very little power to open, but a 200 light year jump needs about 4 times the energy.
Tony: 14 billion light years would require the sustained power output of a dozen large stars for 400 years.

Panel 3
Tony: So instead of making one huge jump…. We make millions of SMALL ones.
Tony: My equipment has the capacity to make upwards of 10,000 jumps per second, if pushed, and I could generate the power needed to do each jump faster than I use it. It’d require insane computational speed to process the jump sequence, but I can offload that to parallel dimensions and make the computing time essentially zero.

Panel 4
Tony: We would basically be leapfrogging across the universe. At 100 light years per jump, we could be at the edge of the universe in less time than it takes to drive to Los Angeles.
Greg: You should use a different metric. With traffic on I-5, that could mean hours or days.