Monday, Apr 26, 2004

Title: 1181

April 2004


Title: 1181

April 26, 2004
12:01 AM

Well folks, I’m back. I’d love to say I’m back well rested and full of energy, and up till this weekend that would have been true, but instead let’s just say I’m back and call it good there. :) I did manage to use some of the time to get a bit ahead in the comic, and if I can manage somehow to stick to this schedule I’ve set up for myself, it opens the door for me to actually have a permanent buffer. That would be nice, believe you me. I currently have tomorrow’s strip finished, and the rest of the week written, as well as a few storyline ideas I may touch on. Keynote has been a godsend as far as organization goes.

Thank you to everyone who sent in a guest strip… I was only able to choose 10, but I must have gotten at least 100 or more. I’m going to be holding onto the strips that were sent in, and posting them if I ever have one of those days where I can’t manage to have a comic ready. But again, thank you so much everybody.

So now onto the gravy of this post. Or the meat. Yes, the meat. (Sorry, I like gravy. Got sidetracked there) So we’re going over our budget for the con schedule we have planned this year, and even though we have a bit of money saved up, that only makes a dent in the funds we need to come up with. Pretty much the cons we’re focusing on are E3 and Comic Con International. E3 is becoming something of a regular outing, and this year I’ve got it planned where I can actually make nightly updates as the con goes on, far better than I did before. I’m even going to see if I can get Cliff to help me with the reporting, as he’s the one who has the degree in Journalism. :D

Then there’s Comic Con. For that, we have to get the money together to pay for the booth, in addition to all the other usual travel expenses. It all adds up, lemme tell ya. Thankfully we’ve had a few advertisers lately, and that’s helped us out money-wise quite a bit, but on Friday our cat Diablo injured his front legs somehow, (we’re still waiting for the test results from the vet, but they don’t even know what’s going on) chewing a few hundred dollars out of our saved funds. (I’ll let you know how he’s doing… he really freaked us out on friday, but he seems to be getting better, so we’ll see)

Anyway, what it works out to is that we need to raise some fundage. That’s what that handy-dandy progress bar to the upper left is all about. We’ve done the budget for both trips, and that’s what it works out that we need to raise in order to make them a reality. I’ve separated them in two, since Comic Con is still quite some ways away, while E3 is only a few weeks down the line.

How it works is like such: Any funds I recieve for the next however long until I get the money we need will go towards those two conventions. That means signing up for the RLSG, Making a donation, or buying advertising. All of it. I’ll be updating it periodically as we get more and more of the funds we need, and I’ll take it down once we reach our goal. If you want to help out, you can click the progress bar or the donation link to the left to make a donation to the cause. Or, you can sign up for the RLSG as either a 1-month of 6-month deal, which helps. And if you’ve got something to advertise, now is the time, since we’re also having our sale on banner impressions. Hopefully with your help we can make this all work.

I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. The amount of nice letters I recieved before and during my break was more than enough to bolster my spirits, and I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing other than this comic. Take care, guys.