Just wanted to explain why, despite me being a “full time cartoonist” as it were, there was no comic yesterday.
Mainly… it’s because I’m not really a full time cartoonist yet. I’ve been spending the past two weeks taking care of a number of obligations that have come up, both work related and non, that simply bogarted my time like crazy. I was up till 5 AM working on this stuff. And I still have a few days of it left yet. It’s nuts.
It’s annoying, because I’d kinda like to MOVE IN. We’ve got stuff sitting in boxes waiting to be unpacked that frankly, is going to have to sit there for a few more days, at least. It is, at best, a semi-existence.
The horizon is clear, at least. Which is some consolation – but when the storm is still raging around you, the horizon looks awfully far off.