Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004

Title: 1162

March 2004


Title: 1162

March 30, 2004
12:01 AM

So I know its Tuesday, and we went to RECCA Con the Sunday before last, but I thought I should discuss it a little bit.

Hmmmmmm, where should I start? Well first off, I would like to thank the entire RECCA Con staff for inviting us and being so sweet. They are all really awesome people. I would also like to thank Glenn from Anime Tourist for getting us invited. The convention was alot of fun. I seem to like the tiny conventions better than the huge ones like San Diego. I like being able to hold conversations with people, and be able to get to know them a bit. I’m not really sure how many people attended, but it seemed busy. There was always something happening around the corner.

The best part of RECCA Con was that I had more panels than Greg did! I was on a cosplay tips panel. Then a “cosplay around the world” panel. Then I sat on Greg’s panel! I tell ya, I was a busy girl that day. ^_^ Then I went to go judge the cosplay contest. (I’m telling you, I really didn’t sit down that much.) Thanks to Ashley for being so sweet and making me feel at home.

The transcipts of the Real Life Comics panel should be up soon. Although I don’t think it’ll make much sense. We had Dom from Megatokyo sitting in, and it got a little crazy in there. I’ll let you know when Anime Tourist posts it for us to read.

Oh, and I started to do the coloring for Dr. Devious vs. Lincoln High.