Thursday, Oct 4, 2018

October 4, 2018

October 2018

Panel 1
Greg: I’ve gotta hand it to CBS… the release schedule of “Short Treks” is kind of a brilliant move on their part.

Panel 2
Greg: Four one-shot 15-minute episodes? It gets additional content out there with a tiny shooting schedule, reduced production costs, and less reliance on the main cast.

Panel 3
Greg: And releasing them once per month is JUST enough to keep our appetites whetted while we wait for Discovery to come back in January… and just enough for some people to reactivate their CBS All-Access accounts for.

Panel 4
Liz: And then, of course, we have people like you, who has kept the account active since FEBRUARY despite not watching anything else on it.
Greg: Liz, what if I cancelled and that put them JUST below the line the accountants need to keep justifying the show? I CAN’T BE THE PERSON WHO KILLED STAR TREK, LIZ.