Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020

October 27, 2020

October 2020

Panel 1
Harper: Um… are we going trick-or-treating this year?
Mae: Harps, we’ve talked about this. Your mother and I don’t think it’s safe to go door-to-door.

Panel 2
Harper: AWWWWW!
Mae: Look, I KNOW it sucks. We love taking you trick-or-treating, but we’ve been staying safe for 7 months. It’d be really silly to stop doing that now.

Panel 3
Mae: We were thinking we’d sit in the driveway and make one of those candy chutes for other kids, and that you could help us out! We can’t control what other people do, but at least we can try to make it safe.
Harper: But this is my FAVORITE holiday besides Christmas and Easter and my birthday! Halloween is ruined!

Panel 4
Mae: We were also thinking of taking you to the store and letting you pick out two of the biggest bags of candy you want, all for you.